JBL PROAQUATEST COMBISET Plus – Test kit for the most important water parameters in freshwater aquariums, including iron test Maintaining a healthy aquarium with natural conditions The proper water parameters in an aquarium depend on the fish population and the existing plants. Even if the water appears clear, it may be contaminated. Poor water values can lead to diseases or algae formation in the aquarium. To ensure a healthy aquarium with natural conditions, regular monitoring and adjustment of water parameters are essential. With JBL water tests, you can quickly, easily, and very accurately determine all relevant water parameters.
The following tests are included in the set: pH test: Measures the acidity of the water from 3.0 to 10.0 To determine the CO2 content, measuring the pH and KH is sufficient. The CO2 content of the water can be determined from these two values and can be found in the enclosed table. KH test: Determines the pH stability of the water (carbonate hardness) NO2 test: Determines the presence of the toxic nitrogen compound nitrite for fish NO3 test: Determines the nitrate level (causes of algae and plant nutrients) Fe test: Determines the iron content for fertilization control
The following tests are available as supplements: pH test: Measures the acidity of the water from 6.0 to 7.6 pH test: Measures the acidity of the water from 7.4 to 9.0 O2 test: Determines the oxygen level CO2-Direct test: Determines the current carbon dioxide content for robust plant growth GH test: Determines the total hardness PO4 test: Determines the phosphate level (causes of algae and plant nutrients) NH4 / NH3 test: Indicates non-toxic ammonium and determines toxic ammonia using the table Cu test: Detects the lethal heavy metal copper for invertebrates. Also important for adjusting the therapeutic dosage of medications. SiO2 test: Determines silicates (silicic acid) as a cause of diatom algae
Almost all test reagents are available as environmentally friendly refill packs!
In the JBL Online Laboratory, you can analyze your measured water parameters for free and receive recommendations.
Funktionen der Testsuite:
- Leicht und sicher die Wasserwerte von Aquarien kontrollieren. Bestimmen Sie den pH-Wert, die Karbonathärte, den Eisengehalt, Nitrit, Nitrat und CO2 (über Tabelle berechnet).
- Einfache Anwendung: Geben Sie das Aquarienwasser mit einer Spritze in die Küvette, fügen Sie den Indikator hinzu und vergleichen Sie die Farbe mit der Farbskala. Beim KH-Test zählen Sie die Tropfen bis zum Farbumschlag.
- Das Komparatorsystem berücksichtigt die natürliche Färbung des Wassers. Der CO2-Gehalt wird anhand des pH-Werts und des KH-Werts in einer Tabelle bestimmt.
- Kindersichere Reagenzflaschen, wasserfester Kunststoffkoffer und Nachfüllreagenzien sind separat erhältlich.
- Lieferumfang: 1 Testkoffer für Aquarien, 7 Reagenzien, 3 Glasküvetten, Spritze, Dosierlöffel, Komparatorblock, Kunststoffküvette, Farbkarten, Protokollblätter und Bedienungsanleitung.
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