Sera ImmunPro Mini Nature revolutionizes the feeding of ornamental fish by providing a fresh and innovative approach. Designed for all small-sized fish up to 4 cm, this growth feed incorporates probiotics that stabilize the intestinal flora of the fish. Through enhanced feed utilization, these probiotics contribute to reducing water pollution. The formula boasts a protein content of over 50% and is enriched with probiotics, MOS, Haematococcus (a natural source of astaxanthin), and Spirulina. These functional ingredients promote rapid growth, robust development, and vibrant coloration in fish.
Sera has achieved another groundbreaking innovation in ornamental fish feeding with ImmunPro Mini Nature. This exceptional fish feed includes Bacillus subtilis, a gut flora stabilizer approved for use in ornamental fish feed since June 2016 and specifically recommended by the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) to enhance growth and feed utilization.
By optimizing the digestibility of the feed, ImmunPro Mini Nature supports the sustainable, well-rounded development, and overall health of the fish. Strengthened fish are less prone to illness, while the excretion of waste products is significantly reduced, resulting in decreased water pollution.
Thanks to its growth-promoting properties, this feed is ideal for breeding ornamental fish.
Natural nutrition for ornamental fish:
ImmunPro Mini Nature belongs to the “sera Nature” product line, which is free from artificial colors and preservatives. The colors of the various feed varieties derive solely from natural ingredients. Offering a diverse diet with natural and close-to-nature components provides the best defense against nutritional deficiencies and supports the overall health and vitality of the fish. For this reason, Nature feeds contain ingredients such as Spirulina, Krill, or sustainable insect meal derived from soldier fly larvae (Hermetia). The symbols displayed on the front of the packaging indicate these ingredients and their proportions in the feed.
Produktinformationen Sera ImmunPro Mini Nature:
- Anwendungshinweise: Füttern Sie mehrmals täglich eine Menge, die die Tiere innerhalb kurzer Zeit aufnehmen können.
- Zusammensetzung: Fischmehl, Weizenmehl, Weizenkleber, Weizenkeime, Ca-Caseinat, Brauereihefe, Fischöl (enthält 49 % Omega-Fettsäuren), Gammarus, Krill, Haematococcus-Algen (0,5 %), Mannan-Oligosaccharide (0,4 %), Grünlippmuschel, Brennnessel, Luzerne, Kräuter, Knoblauch, Petersilie, Seealgen, Paprika, Spirulina, Spinat, Karotten.
- Qualitätsanalyse: Rohprotein 54,1 %, Rohfett 9,2 %, Rohfaser 3,7 %, Feuchtigkeit 5,0 %, Rohasche 7,0 %.
- Zusatzstoffe: Vitamine und Provitamine: Vitamin A 37.000 IE/kg, Vitamin D3 1.800 IE/kg, Vitamin E (D, L-α-Tocopherylacetat) 120 mg/kg, Vitamin B1 35 mg/kg, Vitamin B2 90 mg/kg, stabilisiertes Vitamin C (L-Ascorbylmonophosphat) 550 mg/kg.
- Darmflorastabilisator: 1×1010 KBE/kg 4b1820 Bacillus subtilis C-3102 (DSM 15544).
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